Sunday 5 January 2014

Bear Grylls and Stephen Fry conversation:

Whilst watching 'Bear Grylls' Wild weekend: With Stephen Fry' I learnt to realise that Bear Grylls is a theist and a Christian, I hadn't previously been aware of this, so the news let me portray Bear Grylls in a new light. 

Bear Grylls and Stephen Fry had a conversation about higher life and religion due to their conflicting opinions on the matter. 
The conversation went:
Stephen: Asking if a beautiful scene such as the Dolomites restores Bear's faith in creation?
Bear: "Yes, it can provide a spiritual 'de-frag' that can take away the bitterness of everyday life"

Stephen: I am an atheist but call myself a Humanist because I believe in human's capacity to solve our own problems, Find out more about the universe around us. 
Doesn't need an explanation to prove religion.
"God can't have made the universe, then who made god?"

Bear: "I believe in heaven... I'd love to see my dad again" (Bear's hope to believe)

Stephen: " I find it embarrassing people who mock faith. An individually devout, pious person is a very beautiful thing."

Bear: "My teachings of religion were cold, impersonal and judgemental.
Mountains and nature made me realise my Christian faith is much more intimate, stumbling, awkward and personal"
"In this difficult life, we're loved"
"It's like swimming, you can feel it around you and it's holding you up, hard to describe if you've never swam"
Bear described religion as "the greatest strength in my life"

From the conversation with Stephen Fry, I learnt of Bear's devotion to religion and how it helps him through life, gives him hope, something to live for, and makes the world seem a more beautiful and full place.