Sunday, 5 January 2014

Opinions research:

I researching 20 opinions in conjunction to the brief's requirements.
The opinions and the statistics may collide as they are on a very similar topic.

  1. A Eurobarometer opinion poll in 2010 reported that 37% of UK citizens "believed there is a god", 33% believe there is "some sort of spirit or life force" and 25% answered "I don't believe there is any sort of spirit, God or life force".
  2. The 2008 European Social Survey suggests that 46.94% of UK citizens never pray and 18.96% pray daily.
  3. A survey in 2007 suggested that 42% of adults resident in the United Kingdom prayed, with one in six praying on a daily basis.
  4. In a 2011 YouGov poll, 34% of UK citizens claimed they believed in a god.
  5. British Social Attitudes Surveys have shown the proportion of those in Great Britain who consider they "belong to" Christianity to have fallen from 66% in 1983 to 43% in 2009.
  6. Attendance at Anglican services had declined by 20% between 2000 and 2006
  7. Attendance at Catholic services, boosted by large-scale immigration from Poland and Lithuania, had declined by only 13%.
  8. In Scotland attendance at Church of Scotland services declined by 19% and attendance at Catholic services fell by 25%.
  9. Overall church attendance at Christmas has been steadily increasing in recent years; a 2005 poll found that 43% expected to attend a church service over the Christmas period, in comparison with 39% and 33% for corresponding polls taken in 2003 and 2001 respectively.
  10. A survey in 2002 found Christmas attendance at Anglican churches in England varied between 10.19% of the population in the diocese of Hereford, down to just 2.16% in Manchester.
  11. Currently, regular church attendance in the United Kingdom stands at 6% of the population with the average age of the attendee being 51.
  12. This shows a decline in church attendance since 1980 when regular attendance stood at 11% with an average age of 37.
  13. It is predicted that by 2020, attendance will be around 4% with an average age of 56.
  14. Church of England alone being forced to close 1,500 churches between 1969 and 2002. Their fates include dereliction, demolition and residential conversion.
  15. Society in the United Kingdom is markedly more secular than in the past and the number of churchgoers fell over the second half of the 20th century.
  16. The Tearfund Survey in 2007 found that only 7% of the population considered themselves as practising Christians. 
  17. Ten per cent attend church weekly and two-thirds had not gone to church in the past year.
  18. The Tearfund Survey also found that two thirds of UK adults (66%) or 32.2 million people have no connection with the Church at present (nor with another religion).
  19. In the 2001 census, Christianity was the largest religion being claimed by 71.6% of respondents.
  20. Religion in the United Kingdom and in the countries that preceded it has been dominated, for over 1,400 years, by various forms of Christianity.

Above shows many graphs, figures and charts of the incline and decrease of practising Christians in the UK. These will benefit me in the future.