The pack will include information written by YMCA and Christian Aid, explaining what they do and putting into words of how Christianity is becoming less popular amongst the youth in the UK.
I intend not to baffle the customer with religious information, as they could find it overwhelming and possibly even boring, so I intend to keep it straight to the point, education and exciting.
Mind the gap
I found a project on Behance ( which is aimed at young students (my target market) which contains cool quirky little objects in an inviting and trendy way.
"Self initiated project. Information pack designed for students between the age of 16-22 to inform them about the choice of a Gap Year. The pack is shaped as a small suitcase with various elements inside"
This piece makes use of various paper stocks and beautifully printed typography. It is clear how it is simple, readable and rather mature, but not formal, these are aims that should be considered when creating a product marketed at teenagers.
7 Seasons
Another information pack found on Behance ( This one
"An educational self-locking interactive information pack designed for audiences at the Melbourne Museum. Content features information about the seasonal calendar of the Wurundjeri tribe of the Upper Yarra Valley."
I can tell from the content of this information pack that it is based at a younger audience, or that the designer hasn't done her research very well and it is aimed at the wrong target market, the typefaces, illustrations and colours used.
The content of this information pack is very engaging though and isn't overwhelming with typed information, which I imagine is always a plus side when trying to give away free information to teenagers.