Tuesday 21 January 2014

T shirt design feedback

I have chosen to take these designs to receive feedback, from this process, I can eliminate the weaker designs and keep the designs which I gather the greatest response to.
After mocking up 6 variations of oversized t shirts, I asked my friends which one they'd most like to buy and why, the verdict came back that the lower two were the favourites.
The left inverted illustration was people's favourites as the print was dark and made use of blacks, which are in fashion and trendy at the moment, part of the same reason why the t shirt on the right did.

I feel these two have been chosen as the favourites due to the fact that they don't necessarily represent Christianity or religion, which isn't something I was particularly going for when I was designing the T shirts, but if those two were to sell the best, at least the customer would also receive the information pack on religion and christianity, which would be very informative, and they would have a t shirt they liked.