Monday 17 March 2014

My given film - Assassination of a High School President:

I have chosen to research my film which is named 'Assassination of a high school president', by using IMDB it gave me a synopsis of the film's story which I can brain storm from.  
The title is very linear in the story, it is explanatory of what the story consists of  and what you can expect when watching the film.
'Assassination of a high school president'
I have brainstormed what comes to mind when thinking of each word in the title of this film to try and get down on paper what the initial thoughts of the film are.
Description - Wikipedia, Synopsis - IMDB

'2008 Neo noir comedy'
Reece Thompson, Bruce Willis, Mischa Barton and Michael Rapaport. - The order in which the actors come could have an effect on my design due to which actors get most recognition, Obviously Reece Thompson is the main character, so his name goes first, Bruce Willis' appears to come second despite the fact he doesn't play a major role, just a big actor in films so I guess he gets that acknowledgement, thirdly comes Micha Barton who is also a well known actress whom I would say is the 2nd main character.

" At a Catholic high school, the popular girl teams up with a sophomore newspaper reporter to investigate a case of stolen SAT exams. Once the duo target their suspects, a larger conspiracy is unearthed."
Imagery gained from the synopsis:
  • Catholic high school
  •  popular girl
  •  sophomore 
  • newspaper reporter
  • stolen SAT exams
  • target their suspects
  • larger conspiracy
I feel that these words alone sum up the story of the film in a chronological order and set a lot of imagery to the audience's mind.
Imagery associated with the film
After google-ing the title of the film and having a look at the images which come up, it shows 2 alternative movie posters for the film, which will be interested to look at in further detail, to see the routes other designers have gone down when designing for this film.
It shows the cover of the film, and also a lot of imagery of Bruce Willis and also, Micha Barton, The leading Lady.

The main character in the film isn't a famous actor, I had never heard or seen this person in a film before this, maybe that is why he isn't shown as much in the images.
The dvd case of the film shows 3 characters, non of which are actually the 'high school president' which is rather misleading. Bruce Willis plays a small part in the film, so personally his face doesn't deserve to be on the cover, but I see why the designer did put him on, as he is the star actor, as is Mischa Barton, the star actress, and the other boy whom is the lead character in the film.