Monday 24 March 2014

Film screen shots and story:

I have had the idea to take various screen shots from my film of it's content and main story. I felt this could benefit my by jogging my memory of what the film consists of and also could provide me with some imagery of the narrative of the movie.
Green chalk board, iconic in American schools, chalked writing could be an idea.
Main character chewing gum, a trait of the protagonist character, recurring thing in the film
Francesca, Misha Barton, Lead Lady
Bruce willis, Head teacher

Roof Sniper begins assassinating 
Close up of sniper on roof
Various people standing for school president
Close up of sniper various focuses. 

Main candidate giving his election speech.
Shot down.
Finger on the trigger.
Hit by the bullet
Down.. Realised that it's paint.
Another student shot.
Mass shooting.
Sniper continuing.
Head teacher shot.
Mischa making eye contact with the Sniper.
Jesus statue defaced. 
Taking aim at Mischa
Sprayed onto foot.
Sniper aprehended.

These screen shots from the film show imagery routes which I could go down for further designs, they also evidence reasons why I made certain choices in my designs.