Friday 28 February 2014

Research into Colour for 'The Sauce'

In our heads, as a group we chose to go down a route of Mint green and the connotations attached to it, which firstly what came to mind was Fresh. Also, how our concept is based on sauce, I thought of ketchup and how ketchup starts as a green tomato then becomes red, it felt fitting.
We felt that green has a more formal feel than other colours available, and I particularly don't see many companies that makes use of a green colour scheme.
Here displays a range of green pantones which could be considered for the designs which I am to create. 
I am going to stray away from the green spring colours, despite them having connotations of spring, growth and fresh, newness, because the colour is too sharp and saturated for what I'm aiming for.
I felt that these selection of green colours that I have chosen have connections to Ice cream, and that the use of colour on screen looks like an ice cream parlour. 
This can be bypassed by careful design decisions, I must ensure that the branding that I create explains what 'The Sauce' company does.