Wednesday 26 February 2014

Three little pigs:

"The 2012 advert by the Guardian newspaper where the 3 little pigs are arrested for boiling up the big bad wolf and cause controversy and the public to explode via media attention and social sharing

I hope more companies start to get creative with advertising like The Guardian have done with this 3 little pigs masterpiece, It definitely has to be the best advert I've seen this year!"

This advertisement focusses around how the news can be twisted and the audience sometimes may not receive the intended message or story that has been broadcasted. The story focusses around the classic story of the three little pigs and the big bad wolf, a tale that every single person will know, and the advert twists the story to explain how news can easily be manipulated.

The advert is kept surprisingly simple at all corners, despite how complex the message is which The Guardian are intending to convey. The pig characters are people which are treat like every day human beings, yet are dressed like pigs for the purpose of the story, as is the wolf, simple effect of personification to make a character and an animal a real focus of a deep story.

The Guardian created this advert which is a slant on things seen as they themselves are a company who broadcast the 'news' so they could be responsible for portraying twisted stories, where they are subliminally attacking other news companies whom are this company's rivals.

In summary, the advert looks very complex but if the viewer narrows it down to layman's terms, then as i've explained, it is a simple story which has been twisted by quite an interesting and difficult concept to visualise, which has been executed successfully.

Still though, I can see the flaw in this which is that the Guardian are attempting to swing the blame of twisting the news, something which they, a news company are claiming not to do.