Wednesday 30 October 2013

Research: Q&A With Tom Houghton

We were given a Q&A (originally found in the Guardian magazine) of which we were to interview our partners to get an insight into their personality.

When are you happiest?
After good food (Lasagne, Garlic bread & Rocket)
What is your greatest fear?
Shark attack [Jaws, decapitated]
Where is your favourite place in the world? 
What is your earliest memory?
Batman costume at age 5
What makes you unhappy?
Working in customer services
Who would play you in the film of your life?

Wesley Snipes
What's your favourite smell?
Roast dinner
What's your favourite word?

Guilty P
What would be your fancy dress costume of choice? 
Blues Brothers
How do you relax?
Trash tv
If you could edit your past what would you change?

Less trusting
What's your dream job?

Musician, Band or singer

Given these outcomes I decided Tom would be a Sans serif font due to his playfulness and how I didn't see him as formal or to have those traits that Serif fonts are known for.