Wednesday 30 October 2013

Font Folio choices

I selected a range of fonts after my research was complete, the choices were based purely on the Q&A that I did with Tom.

Cooper Plate
I chose this font due to how the lines were straight and clean cut, the spacing of the type was quite wide, and I thought this in a way could represent how Tom intends to be less trusting.
This is the only font that I chose which makes use of serifs, I chose them on this font as I thought it added an example of edginess when it came down to personality.

Franklin Gothic
I feel this font reflects Tom due to how simple it comes across, simple and also easy to read. I see Tom as a person who it open and honest, and the connotations attached to this font represent those things in my eyes.
The descender in the G is very flowing and elegant in comparison to other fonts such as Ayuthaya. The subtle twist in personality makes this font exciting to look at.

The font Ayuthaya jumps out to me because of the mixture of straight, traditional type which works injunction with the italic looking shapes such as the curves in the M. To an extent, it appears as if the M's Width has been adjusted for effect.

Britannic Bold
This font has a very thick and heavy line weight, I see this as a trait which shows groundedness and person who knows their own mind. All of the characters in this font shoot up vertically which shows strength of character and dominance.
The tail on the G has a different personality to the rest of the font, and the line weights also varies throughout the type which, in a way, shows indecisiveness.

I see Consolas as a mixture between Franklin Gothic and also Ayuthaya due to the style of the lowercase M and also the descender on the G. It is very similar to Franklin Gothic, in the thickness of the line weight etc.

I now must come to a conclusion of which font/fonts are most fitting of Tom's personality and find a way to make it further reflect his traits.