Thursday 3 October 2013

Introduction Group Brief: initial idea generation with the group

Having been assigned the problem "How can I find my way around Leeds?" we began to brainstorm all the ideas that came to mind and answer the questions involved with the brief.
As our sentence was to help Freshers find their way around Leeds, we narrowed the objective down to finding their way from Liberty park student accommodation to Leeds college of art, as it was something we all had in common as a group, and realised it was a journey that a high percentage of the class did everyday, making it one of the most helpful maps we could create.
The group collectively agreed a business card sized final product would be a very efficient and helpful piece of design as it would easily fit inside a wallet, and then unfold into a larger map that (hopefully) would be fit for purpose.

We managed to collect plenty of information, and also assign various tasks to each member of the group, which set us on a good start to the project.

The group decided that we should research existing maps created by graphic designers which we were recognised as being highly successful and useful to the world, such as Massimo Vignelli and also Harry Beck.

As a group, we have had the idea of incorporating a QR code into our business card sized design, as a way of letting the consumer locate further necessary information, and potentially give feedback via a twitter social networking page.