Wednesday 9 October 2013

Prospectus analysis:

1. Photograph alignment - Dislike
In my opinion, the photographic images found in the prospectus are located very close to the edges of the paper which looks unprofessional and also untidy.
2. Font cover - Like
I think the front cover of this handout is well designed and rather eye catching and appealing. The use of foil blocking and embossing works very well in my opinion, and sets a mise-en-scene effect to the prospectus which makes the entire book feel of a better quality, which in turn reflects well on the university.

3. Quantity of written information - Dislike
The amount of information found in the prospectus is rather baffling and comes across as quite overkill. The size of the font used could be larger to be more legible and also to fit the space in the prospectus. 

4. Back cover - Dislike
There is zero information found on the back cover of the prospectus, I find this very dull, and it serves no use to what should be a very thorough and informative document.

5. Headers - Dislike
The placement of the header in this double page spread baffles me, firstly due to the fact that it is located in the center of the page, and also due to the size and the fact it is taking up a quarter of the page.