Wednesday 4 December 2013

Research into high end clothing brands and their typography-Dolce & Gabbana:
Using google I managed to find a site which lists the top 10 best luxury clothing brands, here is the information I found out about the companies and their tone of voice.

Dolce & Gabbana:
"Dolce & Gabbana is an Italian luxury fashion house established in the year 1982 by Domencio Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. In today’s luxury fashion industry, Dolce & Gabbana are unarguably the most influential and leading designers who have made the modern woman look fantastically sexy. Their sweet and sharp style is very popular among the best dressed celebrities around the world."


Dolce & Gabbana make use of a very clean cut, style using a sans serif font. they also use upper case when it comes down to showing their name which reflects dominance in the brand and is a use of hierarchy.