Friday 13 December 2013

Edible type Fruit and vegetable letter
Knowing that we eventually had to create a type related food substance, I began to research other artists' type food creations.

It is evident to see here that the designer has cut out each glyph of the alphabet from fruit and other natural foods.The result is one that looks very childlike and playful which could be a good idea to encourage children to eat their vegetables.

This designer has created various sentences out of breakfast foods such as cereal, toast, butter, jam and. honey. Again, the food looks very inviting and friendly, very playful food source.

This piece uses 4 different fonts to various effect which it then goes on to spelling out a sentence. It is very vibrant and feminine due to the tone of colour involved.

This piece has been made from fruit seeds. I feel the full alphabet has a big impact due to the amount of small items that it has been comprised of.

The full Uppercase alphabet has been spelt out using triangular shaped doritos.
It is clear to see the gothic style font that the designer has based it on.