Wednesday 7 May 2014

Art deco final:

Here is where I will evaluate my final creation for OUGD401.
The final piece turned out very different to what was suggested in my proposal, mainly due to time constraints. I did propose to Saddle stich my book, foil block and the content was different to how I thought it would be in the presentation.

I proposed that the content of my publication would: "have a function which would be to explain the timeline of the Art Deco movement to people who were unaware, but that as an introductory stage, where the real target audience would be readily existing fans of Art Deco, and people whom collected lavish, high end Artist's books.", my final creation swayed away from this proposal as I turned the content into a timeline for people whom are new to art deco, rather than current fans, which I suggested I would target the publication to.

I had researched various blogs and websites in an attempt to find successful and famous Art deco fonts both header fonts and body copy, I had decided to chose a downloaded font known as Decotech as my main font for my headers on my pages, as it was in my head stereotypically Art deco. The cover of my publication contains fonts which I had researched from designers of that era such as A.M Cassandre's Bifur and Broadwalk, created by Morris Fuller Benton.

The body copy font in the interior of my book was a simple gothic, I had experimented with other fonts which had more Art Deco relevance but due to the final book being printed in A5 I was worried about the legibility of the outcome, there for settled for a gothic which are famously easy to read.

The stages of the Art Deco's history were found on line by myself in a general timeline following Art Deco, that provides the content for my contents page and from there I used each year in time as a title header and researched further into the information found.

I never intended to use images in my publication due to the fact I did want to Screen print my content onto black stock to give it a black and gold feel to it as well as foil blocking the cover page, I didn't manage to get around